Mass Timber Construction Podcast
Mass Timber Construction Podcast
Mass Timber Market Updates - Sep 2024 - Week Fourty
Unlock the secrets to sustainable urban growth and learn how mass timber construction is revolutionizing the building industry worldwide. Join us as we bring you the latest developments from the International Mass Timber Conference, set to take place in March 2025 in Portland, Oregon. With over 170 exhibitors and 60 speakers, this event promises to be a game-changer for architects, developers, and sustainability enthusiasts. Discover groundbreaking projects like the ambitious timber-based residential development in Stockholm, led by Sweden's largest family-owned timber company, aiming to slash carbon emissions by 50% and set the standard for eco-friendly living.
Explore how New York City is tackling its skyline's environmental impact by embracing circular construction and low-carbon materials, thanks to initiatives by the NYC Economic Development Corporation. Gain insights from Rian Costa of Tridos Investment Management, who sheds light on the transformative power of circularity in the construction industry. You'll also hear about the benefits of nature-inclusive buildings, which not only support sustainability but also improve residents' well-being. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just passionate about green building, this episode is packed with the latest trends and expert opinions that will inspire and inform your journey toward a more sustainable future.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live. This is the moment you all have been waiting for. It's time for the global sensation, the one, the only, the undisputed heavyweight podcast in the world the Mass Timber Construction Podcast. And now here's Paul Kramer, your host. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world today, welcome to the Mass Tim Construction Podcast. My name is Paul Kramer, your host. Thanks Bruce Buffer, veteran voice of the Octagon, for doing the introduction every week. Please make sure you subscribe to our podcast. We do appreciate it Like, share or comment on our social media feed.
Speaker 1:And if you're an academic looking to get an impact with your research in mass timber construction, don't forget our International Mass Timber Construction Journal, a research journal publication which is free to read and free to publish, unlike other platforms that are out there promoting something very similar but aren't authentic. Let's have a look at what's making news around the world this week in mass timber construction land and a latest update from our partner, the International Mass Timber Conference, which is in Portland, oregon, in March 25th to 27th next year, in 2025. The three-day event will focus on the entire supply chain and the mass timber construction industry, and it has over 170 exhibitors now, with an expected over 2710 ds, with 60 speakers from people all over the globe. And you can check out some more information which comes available through the mass timber conference website, which is the international mass timber conference, and you can see who is attending and start to plan your days while you're in portland, oregon and nyam plans to build a timber construction for 227 apartments outside the city of Stockholm. Roam, sweden's largest family-owned timber industry company, is producing the timber which will reduce the carbon footprint by about 50% in comparison to more traditional materials. The project will involve the construction of 11,000 square meters of rentable residential space distributed across the 227 apartments. The building will be constructed using timber and seek environmental certification, aiming to achieve the latest silver standard in Sweden. It's the second residential building in Stockholm in a very short period of time by the firm, looking to build a strong pipeline with promising growth prospects in the sector. Moving forward, the use of timber is considered because of its flexibility regarding its translational structures, allowing it to invest in finished residential properties. Forward funding, forward commitments and land and development rights are all wrapped around the use of the new development. The collaboration in development with other partners are looking to work with them to make sure that Stockholm's expanding development is built in a sustainable way. If you'd like to see more about this, you can go and check out our LinkedIn feed.
Speaker 1:The New York City Economic Development Corporation is going green. The New York City skyline is sweeping with a panorama of postcard-worthy buildings and stands as the ultimate symbol of the city's status in the World Economic and Cultural Forum as a powerhouse. The iconic buildings and many other things through its five boroughs represent 70% of New York's greenhouse gas emissions, making decarbonization of the built environment a critical fight for climate change in the city. The new mission-driven economic development arm of the New York City Economic Development Corporation is spearheading initiatives in circular construction, low-carbon building materials and climate tech to decarbonize the city's building and construction sector. This is great news and it's on the back of news we reported, probably a couple of years ago, where they're looking at putting in life cycle assessment analyses for all structures that are being built in New York City, and this is further advancement in that right direction.
Speaker 1:For the state Senior Relationship Manager Rian Costa for Tridos Investment Management out of Holland said if only part of the Dutch building production was circular and nature inclusive, it would have already contributed to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, contributing to the reduction in emissions for the country, contributing to the reduction in emissions for the country. Ms Costa went on to talk about circularity, saying that buildings constructed with circularity design principles in place can largely be taken apart, disassembled and reused, which is then building significant reductions in CO2 emissions by containing that within, say, the bio-based materials such as timber, and reusing the timber space. The nature inclusive building provides space for our plants, animals in the immediate vicinity of the building. This increases well-being for the health of the residents. People who live in greener environment are generally happier. In addition, trees close to the facade can provide natural cooling indoors by up to five degrees compared to ambient temperature, and they are looking to create a finance solution that will actually meet the needs of sustainable construction in the netherlands.
Speaker 1:If you'd like to read the full article, please, please head to our LinkedIn feed and the Auburn Mass Timber Collaborative. The AMTC, is becoming a leader in mass timber research, teaching and outreach in the southeast. The AMTC is an interdisciplinary collaboration between colleges focusing on forestry, architecture, engineering and construction. Given that roughly 70% of Alabama is forested, and partly because the forestry is the primary state resource, auburn's leadership in this area is vital. The mass timber education and research occurs inside Auburn University's Advanced Structural Engineering Lab, which is about a 45,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility for experimental characterization and performance testing of engineered materials, including timber. If you'd like to read more about this amazing initiative in the University of Auburn, please head to our LinkedIn feed. And that's it, folks. That's all we've got time for this week in Mass Timber Construction Land. We hope you've had a great week. We look forward to catching up with you next week. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Don't forget to hit subscribe. This is Paul Kramer signing off for the Mass Timber Construction Podcast for another week. So Thank you, bye.